Welcome to Your DNA REVEALED

What I do

I specialize in solving unknown paternity, adoptee or not expected parent cases. I can discover your family members through DNA analysis and by tracing their family trees. 

Define your goal

The first step to success is figuring out how I can help you reach your goal. I’ll get to know your story, assess how much time the project will take and explain what results you can expect.

It's a Journey

We’re in this together. The best way to help clients reach their goals is to work as partners. We’ll get started by reviewing any information you know. I’ll share findings along the way so you can ask questions, see the progress I’ve made and determine next steps of action

Customer Reviews

“You sure helped my sister and I thank you for bringing us together I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” 


“You sure helped me! I’m thankful for you!”


“When my DNA results came back I was completely lost in what to do. Thank you so much for figuring out who my birth parents were.”


“Amazing! Our family had no knowledge our Aunt gave up a child for adoption as a teenager. Thanks so much.”


“Wow! I had no idea my Aunt was adopted by my grandparents. When I think back, certain things make a lot of sense now!”


How can I help you?